From the northernmost reaches of Louisiana to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, our members advocate their own districts and the cause of flood control throughout the state. Each district sends representatives to board meetings in Baton Rouge and to other functions that are relevant to the board’s tasks. Our board members serve as the voices of their citizens to the board, ensuring that board decisions keep the citizens wishes in mind. The ALBL is its members.
A Future For Us All
With roots in the past and eyes on the future, The Association of Levee Boards of Louisiana is charged with containing and managing the floodwaters along the major waterways of Louisiana. Flooding is a fact of life in Louisiana. But thanks to constant diligence and monitoring by the state’s 23 individual levee boards, rains very rarely have the disastrous results they once had for our state’s citizens.
More than half of our precious land is in a flood plain, and 41 percent of the continental U.S. drains into the Mississippi River Basin. This creates a unique situation in our state, where flooding is a part of the history we share, and a part of the future we are working hard to control.
Here at The Association of Levee Boards of Louisiana, our mission and our passion is to control and prevent flooding, pure and simple. And along the way we strive to maintain and improve the life we all share in this wonderful state we call home.